Wednesday, 28 September 2011

D and AD North Poster

Over the weekend I've been working on a couple of A1 posters to enter for the D&AD North Poster Competition.

This was some information we got in the brief...

Event title: D&AD North Lecture 3: GBH are 12

Multi-Award winning Design & Advertising agency GBH talk about a dozen of their most important projects to celebrate their 12th birthday. As well as a show and tell of some of their diverse work for Puma, Eurostar, Royal Mail, SLS Hotels, Virgin Galactic, Land Securities, and others, GBH have devised a new kind of Q&A. Each audience member takes part in a giant raffle, where GBH artifacts from projects past and present are the reward for randomly selected questions.


So for one poster I decided to focus on the fact that it was their birthday, and thought I'd bake them a cake that would be fitting of D and AD to make them! (for the non designers out there, D&AD are famous for giving away yellow pencils as design awards).. I then used the light of a candle to create the text below.

The text at the bottom reads:

"To celebrate their 12th Birthday, multi award winning design & advertising agency GBH talk about
 a dozen of their most important projects. And to help them celebrate we baked them a cake. Aren't 
we nice.

"For a slice of the action (but sorry not the cake), and a chance to win some genuine GBH artifacts, don't miss out on this lecture."


For this poster I concentrated on the theme of the Q&A raffle, and turned the D&Ad logo into the side of a raffle drum. The dotted lines hint at a tear off raffle strip down one side.

The text at the bottom reads :


"Award winning Design & Advertising agency GBH talk about a dozen of their most important projects to celebrate their 12th birthday. As well as a show and tell of some of their diverse work, GBH have devised a new kind of giant Q&A raffle. And if you're lucky enough to have your question picked out, you could win some genuine GBH artifacts from projects past and present!"

Summer Project

This Summer we were set an infographics brief, where we had to record our lives in detail and then produce some work from what we had found out. I recorded quite a lot of different pieces on information, from what time I woke up, to exactly everything I ate, to who I had internet/phone contact with, to what I wore. After filling in my questionnaire every day for the month of August, I wanted to create a form of annual report - or rather a monthly report - of everything that I’d done that month.

To represent data, I decided to use real objects that actually somehow relate to the subject they are describing, and then turn these into line charts, bar graphs and pie charts, amongst other forms of infographics. I then made this into a series of spreads within a booklet, of which a selection of the pages are photographed here.